• 27 Nov 2023
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Article summary


Search a Stage for Measurements

Now able to search large Stages for specific items / names / dimensions.


There is also the option to scroll through the results as well.



Rotate your Grid

There is now the ability to rotate our Grid Tool. If you want to line Counts up, enable Smart Guides to automatically snap to crosshairs of the Grid lines, the centre of each line and centre space.

Grid tool with smart guide v3

Curves have landed!

Curve shortcuts for Freeform mode allow curves to be created from straight lines for Length and Area plus a new Curve button.

Use our Curve button to draw curves without shortcuts.


While in Freeform Mode, shortcut Q allows you to control the Curve before it is drawn and used with straights and curves.

Path with Q Key_v2 900px

Freeform with shortcut W allows a straight line to be transformed to a Curve.

Area Path with W Key

Count Labelling

Numbering, number sequences, prefixes and suffixes can be added to new Counts on Plans. Find out more here.


Even more exciting is that you can update existing Labels and add them easily to Count Assist results!

Count Labelling for CA

Select All from a Stage

The ability to Select All of a Measurement by clicking Measurement Actions and selecting Select All from within a Stage.



New Integration with Sparky!

Another Integration has joined the ranks to help make workflows more seamless. Once integrated, begin using Sparky Products and Pre-Builds to Count, Measure Lengths and/or Areas on Plans. Check it out now.


Switch Account search function

For our Customers that Share and View Projects from other Groundplan organisations, you are now able to search for the company in the Switch Account section as well as use the drop-down function.


Title Blocks have had a facelift

Still the same great things in the Title Block, now easier to use with live updates as you type. Drag and drop to reorder Labels inside your Table section and reorder the Block Elements from Options.


AroFlo Customers will love our new "Refresh All"

No need to click each line, you can now click Refresh All for each Stage before Exporting your Quantities ready for an AroFlo Quote.


Snipping to a New Plan looks a little different!

A Plan Preview now appears. You can Rotate the Snip and keep the Original Size / Scale of the Plan it was Snipped from. Remaining is still the ability to edit the Padding around the Snip to make room for a Title Block and/or Legend.

Learn more about our Snip Tool here.

snip tool V5

Retain data added in Ascora when pushing to an Existing Quote

Customers can now remove existing sections added to their Ascora Quote when pushing to an Existing Quote. "Inclusions / Exclusions" sections also remain.

Look out for our new checkbox Remove all existing sections from Quote and uncheck the box. Read further detail here.


Adjust the Stages sidebar

Found your Stages sidebar too large? Use our new Stages slider.

Stage Slider V2

Improvements in Project To-do's

New look and feel for Project To-do's.

Easy Status and Label changes

For Administrators, you can now easily update Project Statuses, Labels and Take-off Template Labels by clicking straight into the Status / Label. Choose from an infinite colour selection as well.

Project Statuses

Take-off Labels

Better Filtering of Project Statuses and Labels

Use Project Statuses and Labels to quickly locate your Projects with our new Filtering buttons.



Bulk Sharing of Projects

You can now Bulk Share Projects with Users with a few clicks.
If using Select All - Click More Projects and complete the steps again for each Page of Projects

Bulk Sharing V3


More Colours!

We've added a Colour Picker and Eye Dropper for infinite colour choices with the ability to save custom colours to your library.

The Colour Picker is available for Counts, Lengths, Areas and all Drawing Tools.


Text Snippets

With this new upgrade to the Text Tool, you can now create, save and reuse your Text as Snippets adding them to your Plans anytime.


Here's our guide on how to create and reuse Text Snippets.

Smart Guides

Another popular feature requested is now here!

Align objects on your Plan with our new Smart Guides. Place a count, then hold SHIFT to enable the guides.


New Integration with Ascora!

Connect your Ascora Account with Groundplan and begin using Inventory Supplies and Kits to Count, Measure Lengths and/or Areas on Plans.

Check it out now.


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