Creating Take-off Templates when Integrated with AroFlo
  • 18 Dec 2020
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Creating Take-off Templates when Integrated with AroFlo

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Article summary

Before reading this article, please make sure you are familiar with what Take-Off Templates are and how to create them in Groundplan.

With AroFlo integration, you can only add Inventory items and One-off items as additional parts inside measurements while Assemblies must be linked directly to the measurement, and cannot be added as a part within a measurement.

Labour value and Sell is set in AroFlo. Adding these details in Groundplan will only show in Groundplan Projects, not in AroFlo Quotes.

Having your associated parts as One-off items means that in the future, any updates to the Value, Sell or UR in AroFlo will not filter down to the one-off item with a matching part number when syncing AroFlo with Groundplan.

Creating Take-off Templates linked to AroFlo Inventory items or Assemblies

There are three ways to create Take-off templates, but all of these options require you to manually link your AroFlo Inventory items or Assemblies with the measurements you've listed under each take-off templates.

1. Create a new Take-Off Template from scratch

You can find the steps of manually setting up a Take-Off template and building up the measurements in it on this guide.

2. Import a Take-Off template

Importing a file into your take-off template will save you from manually entering the list of parts that you need in your template. However, Groundplan creates a one-off item in each measurement as a default part. These imported measurement parts are not automatically linked to AroFlo Inventory items or Assemblies, even if you have listed the part numbers of the Inventory & Non-Inventory items in the CSV file that you uploaded.

3. Copying an existing Stage into a Take-Off Template

Among these three options, this will be the best time-saver IF the stage that you will copy has the measurements already linked to AroFlo Inventory items or Assemblies after you've set it up for a Project.

However, if the linking of the items was not yet done, you can still copy the stage as a new take-off template and proceed with manually linking the measurements to your Inventory Items or Assemblies in Aroflo.

Linking measurements to AroFlo Inventory items

  1. Click on the Take-off templates tab;
  2. Click on the Template name or click the Menu button and select the Edit option;
  3. Click onto the Measurement name or click the Menu Button and select the Parts option;
  4. Along the part line click the Menu button then select the Delete option;
  5. Click the green +Parts button;
  6. Click the AroFlo Inventory option;
  7. Select the Category (optional);
  8. To narrow down the search results, enter at least three characters of the item name;
  9. Click the correct item from the list shown;
  10. Click the Save button;

GP Aroflo Integration v8x - Linking measurements to AroFlo Inventory items

📝 Inventory items with Detailed pricing "Enabled" will not show the Unit Rate in Groundplan .

When importing your measurement totals into your AroFlo Quote, the Unit rate will be populated.
To see Unit Rates within Groundplan Project, you would need to use an Assembly (Inventory List.)

Linking measurements to AroFlo Assemblies

  1. Click on the Take-off templates tab;
  2. Click on the Template name or click the Menu button and select the Edit option;
  3. Along the line of the Measurement name click the Menu Button and select the Delete option;
  4. Click the Green +Measurement button;
  5. Click to select if the measurement is a Count, Length or an Area;
  6. Click on AroFlo Inventory List;
  7. To narrow down the search results, enter at least three characters of the item name;
  8. Click the correct item from the list shown;
  9. Choose the correct style options for the measurement;
  10. Click the blue Create button;

Linking measurements to AroFlo Assemblies

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