Downloading / Exporting Plans
  • 09 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Downloading / Exporting Plans

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  • PDF

Article summary

Downloads / Exports are provided as PDF document/s, comprising of Measurements and/or Annotations on the Plan, including any "hidden" within Stages. If there are Stages present, a separate page with a Legend is also provided.

Within a Project, there are three ways to Download / Export Plans from:

  1. The Editor, inside a Plan
  2. The Plans Tab or
  3. The Project Tab


The most common Export is through the Editor.

  1. Click Export to PDF
  2. Select the Plan/s to be Exported
    Individually or by Plan Group
    Plans marked as Completed are ticked green
  3. Choose from (Default) Include all Stages or switch to Only Include Selected Stages
    Choose Stages only for the Plans selected (all Annotations will be included)
  4. Choose the PDF file generation option (Default) Create one PDF per Plan (better for digital use) or switch to Create one PDF per Group (better for printing)


  1. Click Generate Export
    (Default) the file will Download to a compressed "zip" format
    To change, uncheck the Always automatically Download Exports (as .zip) checkbox

Differences between PDF File generation options


Create one PDF per Plan (better for digital use)Create one PDF per Group (better for printing)
A folder is created for each Group
Each Plan will be a separate PDF
Each Plan Legend will be a separate PDF
Each Plan will be one page on a mutli-page PDF
Each Plan Legend will be on a separate page/s in a multi-page PDF

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose the Stages I want downloaded?

Yes. Even if the Stage is displayed in the "on screen" Legend, the Stage/s can be selected or excluded upon Export.

  1. Click Export to PDF
  2. Select the Plan/s to be Exported
  3. Choose Only Include Selected Stages and select the Stage/s required
  4. Choose the PDF file generation option (Default) Create one PDF per Plan (better for digital use) or switch to Create one PDF per Group (better for printing)
  5. Click Generate Export



Can you Export Plans without specific Measurements / Symbols showing on the Legend?

You cannot choose specific Measurements to show on the Plan. There is no direct way to complete this; however, there is a quick solution.

You can Duplicate your Project and make changes to the Copy, leaving the original Project intact.

  1. Duplicate the Project
  2. Remove the items you don't want shown on the Plan
  3. Export as normal


How do I Download the Plans without automatically Exporting a zipped file?

By default, Plans are Exported as a Zip file with a separate page for the Plan Legend.

To Download Plans as a PDF or without a separate Legend:

  1. Uncheck “Always Download exports (as zip) when ready” option
  2. Click Download button
    Next to the Plan/s
  3. Click Close


Why isn't my Download starting in a reasonable amount of time?

Groundplan has a queuing system to prevent the server from being overloaded. Most of the time, the Export runs immediately because the queue is free. However, this will depend on how large the Plan is and how many Groundplan Users are Exporting Plans simultaneously.

Click the link click here to Download.


Nothing Downloaded when I clicked the Download link. Why is that?

The browser may be blocking the Download. Each browser has slightly different instructions.

  1. Click the Download button on the address bar
    On the right-most side
  2. Click allow Groundplan to Download multiple files
  3. Click Done


Why is it taking longer than normal to create my Download?

Groundplan has a queuing system to prevent the server from being overloaded. Most of the time, the Export runs immediately because the queue is free. However, this will depend on how large the Plan is and how many Groundplan Users are Exporting Plans simultaneously.

Click Email when ready, and the Export will be emailed when it is complete.


Why do I have a message "Export Complete, your download will begin shortly"?


This is due to the number of Plans selected.

When 20 or more individual PDFs are being generated, you will see the above screen.

Please contact the Support Team at Help > Send us a Message if you require further assistance.

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