• 17 Jul 2024
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Article summary


Erase in Freeform and choose a colour

We are super excited about this Eraser Tool update!

The Eraser now has the same functionality as other tools with its new Freeform, Square, and Pen Modes. In Freeform and Square Modes, simply click, hold, and drag to pan like other tools. When using the Pen, hold the SPACEBAR to move around the plan. Use our colour eyedropper to match colours easily and add opacity to colours. This means you can selectively grey out specific areas of the plan with ease!

New Eraser Tool v3

New User access rights have arrived

We have introduced four new Roles for our Users.

It is strongly recommended to establish separate User logins for each individual accessing your Account. This enables restrictions on specific actions and access, enhancing Account security. For instance, only Users in Roles such as Owner, Admin and Billing can access Billing, Increase or Decrease Licences adding additional charges or Cancel the Subscription.

You can add those for New Users:

Or edit existing Roles:


Project creation updates

More visibility with Sharing when creating new Projects.

for whats new.png


Ever wanted to Label Lengths? It is here!

Labels can incorporate letters, numbers and special characters to denote or name Lengths, e.g. pipework, ducting, direction, garden edging, demolition zones, trenching and barriers.

Read more here.

Length Labelling What's New

Live updates to Symbol sizes

When Editing Symbols, you can now see sizing changes in "real-time" on screen.

Live updates to Symbol sizes.gif

New Settings menu for Measurements and Annotations

The sleek new Settings modal remains open when Editing and now requires a click to close on completion. Changes to the Settings menu is seen across all Measurements and annotations when working within the Editor.



New Project Overview

The Project Overview Tab has had a massive face lift! Allowing for easier Sharing, Project tracking for Important Dates, Tasks and all other details relevant to managing a Project.

Sharing now gives the opportunity to add new Account Users for Administrators.


See all our 2023 updates here

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