iPad/Tablet: User Interface
  • 10 Jul 2020
  • 7 Minutes to read
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iPad/Tablet: User Interface

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Article summary

The images on this article are taken on an iPad running on iOS 13.5.1 with 1024x768px screen size.

The actual interface may vary in your device, depending on its screen size, as some of the parts or buttons may be hidden.

Please refer to our System Requirements article for a complete and specific guidance on what devices you may use with Groundplan.

Projects Page

The Projects page is also your homepage. This is where you will see the list of all your projects in your account, the link to view the projects shared to your from other accounts, and links to the archived and deleted projects.

These are the sections of your Projects page:

  1. Top/Main Menu;
  2. Project and Templates link;
  3. Calendar and Project links;
  4. Search box;
  5. View, filter and sorting options;
  6. Projects' list.

GP Mobile User Interface v7.25-ProjectsPage

Top-left navigation menu

  1. New - a shortcut button to easily create a new Project, Project Template or Take-Off Template;
  2. Projects - Tapping here will bring you back to the Project List;
  3. Recent - This displays links to your last "Viewed Projects" and last "Updated Projects". The "Updated Projects" section shows any project that has been modified by any user in the system.

Top-right navigation menu

User Menu

Shows a menu with the full name of the person logged in, a link to the Setup (Billing, Users, Integrations, etc.) page and a Log Out button.

Help menu

We are a team who are eager to help you succeed in using Groundplan, thus we've added a very accessible button which gives you the menu for getting prompt assistance. From the help menu, you can:

  1. Tap the User Guide option to be redirected to our complete set of help guide articles;
  2. Send us a message through an Intercom chat within Groundplan, where you can continue working while we assist you;
  3. Tap the Training Videos option to watch our short tutorials;
  4. View the Shortcut keys; and
  5. Enable the editor tips;

GP User Interface_v7.25_Help Menu

Plans Page

GP Mobile User Interface v7.25-PlansPage

  1. The Project name;
  2. Project Tabs: Project Overview, Plan, Worksheet and Quantities Page.
If you are using one of our integrations softwares,

a shortcut tab of your specific integration software usually comes up on the right side of the Quantities tab where you can manage your data before export.

Please check out our dedicated articles, listed on the left side of this page for more information.

  1. View, filter and sorting options and the searchbox - this is the section where you can find the buttons for the main usage of the page -- Download and Upload Plans, Add a Group, Sort the plans and choose how you would like to view them.
💡 Tip: Plans can only be sorted alphabetically.

If you want to customise the way that they are sorted, use prefixes like "A-" or numbers (i.e. 1 - Plumbing, 2 - Flooring, 3 - Electrical) to arrange them in your preferred sequence.

  1. Group Name - is like a folder where you can group plans according to your preferences.
📝 Note: The "Plans" group is the default group will always come first on your list.

Plan groups can also be sorted alphabetically (and even numerically). However, the default "Plans" group is an exception to this, as it will always remain on top of the list even if you rename it.

To work around this, given that this group is empty, you can delete it and add new groups instead.

  1. Plans - these are the individual pages from your uploaded file where you will do your take-off.


The editor is the page where you do your take-off. Below is a simple mapping of the parts of the editor, and being familiar with them will help a lot when you require support.
GP Mobile User Interface v7.25-Editor


The sidebar contains all settings that you need for your plan and stages.

Where's the total for the entire project?

The part's total quantities or measurement for the entire project is usually shown on the right side of the quantities/measument total in the plan.
GP Mobile User Interface v7.25-Sidebar

This part is automatically hidden when your browser size is less than 1091px. So in a regular iPad with a screen size of 1024x768px, this will not show, and you'll have to check the Worksheet to see the totals of each measurement for the entire plan.

Toggle buttons

You can use these buttons to maximise your screen size during take-off.

  • The Toggle Fullscreen button will simply hide the top navigation menu, the project name, and the project tabs so you can maximise the height of the editor;
  • The Toggle Sidebar button is enabled by default so tapping it will hide the sidebar, allowing you maximise the width of the editor.

To maximise your iPad or tablet's screen with the editor, enable the Toggle Fullscreen and disable to hide the Sidebar.
GP Mobile User Interface v7.25-ToggleSample


The zoom in, zoom out and select zoom level buttons are also available in the sidebar for your convenience. Although it is easier to zoom in and out your plans by using two fingers to pinch the screen ("pinch to zoom"), these buttons are especially useful if you need a definite level of magnification on your plan.

Your browser width (in pixels) affects the visibility of these buttons

If your browser width is less than 777px (at 100% zoom level), the Select zoom level button will be hidden.


These buttons will allow you to rotate your plan along with the measurement and markings in a 90º increment, clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

Rotate the plan only

If you need to rotate the plan only and do not want to include the measurements and markings in the change that you need to apply, go to the Details tab and use the Revision Rotation buttons instead.
GP User Interface_v7.25_DetailsTab-Rotation

Your browser width (in pixels) affects the visibility of these buttons

If your browser width is less than 740px (at 100% zoom level), the Rotate Counter-clockwise button will be hidden.


This button will allow you to add the legend to your plan.

Can't find this button?

If your browser width is less than 702px (at 100% zoom level), the Legend button will be hidden from the Drawing tools in your right-side toolbar.

If you can't find this button, tap the Toolbox button on the top of the editor, as it is listed as one of the options there.
GP User Interface_v7.25_Legend

Drawing Tools

These buttons are your tools for adding markings on your plans.

Missing a tool?

If your screen size is around 1024x768px, only the Snap to objects button will be hidden. Just tap the Toggle Fullscreen button for this to expand your editor height, and this will appear.

To learn more about these tools, check the Drawing Tools articles.

Editor Toolbar

Select Mode

If you can see the Undo/Redo buttons and sometimes the Toolbox button on the top of the editor, it means that you are on Select Mode.

On this "mode", your hand or select tool is enabled by default, and you can easily select measurements and markings on the plan.
GP User Interface_v7.25_Select Mode

Press ESC to disable any active tools, and enter Select mode.

Drawing Mode

The Drawing mode is enabled whenever you select and enabled a drawing tool, or when you are actively measuring parts on your plan.
GP User Interface_v7.25_Drawing Mode

You will know that you are on this mode when you see the enabled drawing tool or measurement on the top of the editor, along with the settings and option for that measurement or tool.

Plan Navigation Buttons

These two buttons at the bottom of the editor provides you with a quick way to open the next or last plans (depending on how your plans are arranged or sorted) without going back to the Plans page.

If you need to jump to another plan, and not the next one on your list, you may want to use the Jump to Plan option instead. You will find it by tapping on the Recent Plan button on the upper-right side of your screen, just across the current plan name.

Tapping the Recent Plan button will show you your recently viewed and updated plans. This is very useful when multiple users are working on the projects at the same time.
GP User Interface_v7.25_PlanNavbuttons

The (previous and next plan) buttons' position in your plan depends on your browser width

If your browser width is less than 892px (at 100% zoom level), these buttons will appear on the lower-left side of the editor.

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