Selecting a simPRO company on a project
  • 30 Sep 2020
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Selecting a simPRO company on a project

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Article summary

If this is your first time connecting simPRO & Groundplan, please refer to the Configuring your simPRO Integration for the first time article.

When you configure your Groundplan to your simPRO Multi-company build, you can set a default company, select a different company at the project level and create take-off templates linked to pre-builds and catalogue items linked to a specific company.

Creating a new project

When you create a project, the default company you selected in the integration setup will be automatically selected.

However, the company can be changed on every project you create under the simPRO integration settings using the company dropdown menu.


⚠️ Pre-builds and Catalogue items linked to the wrong simPRO company pushed through to a simPRO quote could have incorrect materials, incorrect pricing and also effect stock allocation at the job level.

You can only select items from the chosen company in the Project Overview when creating measurements.

If you do not share catalogues in your simPRO Multi-company setup, please check that the Pre-builds & Catalogue items that have been used to count & measure on this project are linked to the right company.

This is also applicable to your take-off templates. Please make sure that the take-off template you choose to use is set to be linked to the same company as the one specified in your project. This is to ensure that the parts you've linked in the take-off template are from the correct multi-company build.

Changing the simPRO Company on an Existing Project

You can change the selected simPRO company on an existing Groundplan project.

  1. Go to the Project Overview page inside a project;
  2. Scroll down and click the EDIT button next to the simPRO Integration Settings title;
  3. Select the new company from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Save changes button;


Checking which simPRO company an item is associated with:

  1. Click the simPRO tab within the project;
  2. Click the "open link" icon to the left of the part number (this will open a new tab);
  3. You can see the company where this Pre-build or Catalogue item exists in the top left-hand corner.

Checking which simPRO company an item is associated to.2020-09-30 06_11_34

If the measurement is linked to the wrong simPRO company, you can take the following steps to update an incorrect item within a measurement, without having to re-do your take-off or design:

  1. Check on Project Overview the project is set to the correct simPRO company;
  2. Click onto the Worksheet tab;
  3. Scroll or jump to the correct stage;
  4. Click onto the Measurement name or click the Menu button and select the parts option;
  5. Along the part line, click the Menu button then select the Delete option;
  6. Click the green +Part button;
  7. Click to select Catalogue item or Pre-build;
  8. Select the Category and Sub-group (optional);
  9. Enter at least three characters of the item name;
  10. Click the correct item from the list shown;
  11. Click the Save button;

Changing items linked to the wrong company

Updating your Default Company for Projects

The default company is selected during the configuration of the Groundplan and simPRO integration. However, if you are an administrator in Groundplan, you can still change your current default company by following these steps.

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