Pushing to an Existing Quote in Ascora
  • 20 Sep 2023
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Pushing to an Existing Quote in Ascora

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Article summary

Update Project Quantities by sending them to an existing Sections Pricing Method Quote in Ascora.

  1. From the Ascora Tab, click Push to Existing Quote


  1. Enter the Quote number or name and make a selection from the search results


  1. (Recommended) uncheck Remove all existing sections from Quote
    This will retain any extra Sections added in Ascora
    (Optional) add Description and adjust Status
  2. Click Update


  1. Click #Quote number to view Quote in Ascora


Frequently Asked Questions

There are additional Sections in my Ascora Quote that I've added while in Ascora. If I push to an Existing Quote, will these be lost?

No. If you follow the Recommended Step 3 and uncheck Remove all existing sections from Quote before updating.

I have an existing Time and Materials Quote in Ascora that I want to push new Quantities to. Can I do this?

No. Groundplan supports updating Quotes that have Sections Pricing Method ONLY.


Are inclusions and exclusions in my quote retained?


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