Measurements - Parts and Labour when you Integrate with AroFlo
  • 18 Dec 2020
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Measurements - Parts and Labour when you Integrate with AroFlo

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Article summary

Before reading this article, please make sure you are familiar with Measurement- Parts and Labour in Groundplan

Adding additional Parts to a Measurement

You can only add additional Inventory items or One-off items into measurements. Unfortunately, you will not be able to add Assemblies or Inventory lists into Measurements as additional parts.

  • Adding additional parts or labour to measurements linked to inventory items will make this measurement an assembly when imported into an AroFlo Quote.

  • Inventory items with "Detailed Pricing turned on" do not bring the unit rate across to Groundplan. however, this will populate when you import your Quote into AroFlo
    To see the unit rate into Groundplan, you will need to use "Assemblies" (Inventory lists) against a newly created measurement.

  • You are unable to tell if a part is an AroFlo item from the Parts Page, you would need to go to the AroFlo tab to see this. In the AroFlo Tab, Inventory items have the refresh wheel along their line.

GP Aroflo Integration v8x - Measurements - Parts and Labour when you Integrate with AroFlo

Adding additional Labour to a Measurement

Labour pricing from items created in Groundplan won't come across to AroFlo

GP Aroflo - Preparing Qts_v7.19_Labour from GP

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