Take-off Template Labels
  • 10 Aug 2023
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Take-off Template Labels

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Article summary

Use Take-Off Template Labels to categorise and Filter. Some example options used are price levels, work types, different specifications, and different Formula options.

Creating and Editing Take-Off Template Labels

Only Administrators can create and edit Take-off Labels, but all Users can use them.

  1. Click My Account then click Setup
  2. Click Take-off Labels
  3. Click and type in the new Label or Edit an existing
  4. Select a preset colour or choose new from the colour wheel (optional save colour)
  5. (optional) Drag and drop to reorder


Assigning Labels

Labels can be added to a new or existing Take-Off Template/s.

  1. From the Home page, click Take-Off Template tab
  2. Click the checkbox/es next to the Template/s
  3. Click Update Labels
  4. Click to select the required Label/s
  5. Click Cancel


Filtering within Templates

When you select multiple Labels to Filter, Groundplan will only display Take-off Templates that contain all the chosen Labels.


Filtering Templates when applying to a Stage

When applying a Take-Off Template to a Stage, the Filter option only appears when there are more than ten Take-Off Templates within the Account.

  1. Add a new Stage and Name it
  2. Click Apply Take-Off Template
  3. Click Choose and select the Filter
  4. Select the Take-off Template
  5. Click Create


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