Quantities Tab
  • 29 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Quantities Tab

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Article summary

The Quantities Tab displays your bill of materials for a Project after a Formula has been applied. Export Options to extract all Project Quantities from Groundplan are discussed in this article.

The Options shown in the drop down menu is for on-screen display only. Unchecking Quantity Options will not reflect in the columns Exported on the CSV. They will all be produced within the Export. See our FAQ's about removing columns.

quantities-showing options.png

Options for Exporting Quantities to CSV

  1. Click Export
  2. Click Export as CSV


  1. Select an Export format

Unit Cost, Unit Markup, Unit Price, Total Cost, Total Margin and Total Price values are shown on all Export options

Grouped byColumn Length & Area Breakdowns are shown inColumn Stage Multipliers are shown in
Grouped by StageStage > Part / LabourNotesNotes on Length & Area Breakdowns
Grouped by Plan then StagePlan > Stage > Part / LabourNotes and Adjusted Values if presentMultiplier
Grouped by MeasurementStage > Measurement > Part / LabourDescriptionDescription on Length & Area Breakdowns
Formatted (original)Visually similar to Quantites TabNotesNotes on Length & Area Breakdowns


  1. Click Download Export

Viewing Parts / Labour and Length / Area Breakdowns

Parts and Labour Totals are grouped by Stage/s. Formulas are included in these figures.

To show individual Length and/or Areas and Grouped Parts / Labour breakdowns, lock the breakdown to display on Export.

  1. Click + on the Part / Labour line with the breakdown
  2. Click + next to Measurement name and click the Padlock


  1. Click Export and select Export as CSV
  2. Choose the Export format
    View the breakdown in the Notes Column or for Group by Measurement, the breakdown will appear in the Description Column
  3. Click Download Export then open


Video Tutorial

Watch our Super User Series, Worksheets and Quantities for a deep dive into the Worksheet and Quantities.

Frequently Asked Questions

When I Export, I don't want the Margin or Unit Price columns to show. How can I change this?

Unit Cost, Unit Markup, Unit Price, Total Cost, Total Margin and Total Price values are shown on all Export options. To combat this, remove columns from your Export in the program of your choice.

Open the document in the program it downloads into e.g Excel or Numbers (for some Macs):

  1. Highlight the columns to remove
  2. Tap DELETE on your keyboard

Can you select certain Stages to be exported to CSV rather than the whole project?

No. You would need to edit the CSV file once exported from Groundplan.

Why are the numbers different on the Quantities and Worksheet tabs?

The Worksheet shows all Measurement and the measured Totals from Plans.

The Quantities tab shows all Parts and Labour Totals after any Formula has been applied.

I have added additional Parts and Labour into Measurements, but they are not grouped together on the Quantities tab. How can I fix this?

Ensure when a Part is created, they must have identical Part Numbers, Descriptions, Unit of Measure, including capitals, spelling, spacing and blank boxes to the Part you want it Grouped with.


The example below shows a space between the 5mm in one image and not in the other. This causes the items to not Group on the Quantities tab. When creating a new Once-Off item, the fields must be identical, or the items won't Group.
quantities-grouping error.png

To fix a non-Grouped item:

  1. Enter the Measurement
  2. Create a new Part or Labour ensuring all sections above are identical and matching from the other Measurement
  3. Delete the original part that did not Group
  4. Check the items have Grouped on the Quantities tab

For further information, please refer to our specific section on How to fix Parts/Labour Groupings.

I downloaded the .CSV file; however, all the data is in one column rather than being formatted as in the preview.

This is due to settings within Excel.
To make the document appear correctly, please follow these steps:

  1. In Excel, go to the Data tab
  2. Click Text to Columns once the file is open in Excel


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