System Requirements
  • 23 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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System Requirements

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Article summary

Desktop Computers and Laptops

Being cloud-based, Groundplan runs on any computer with the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Safari, and a stable internet connection.

For the best experience, we recommend:

  • Browser: Google Chrome;
  • Computer memory: Computer with at least 8GB of RAM (or more for those with Count Assist enabled);
  • Computer OS: Windows 10 or Mac OS 10.15 or later;
  • Screen monitor resolution: 1920x1080 (22inch monitor or larger);
  • Internet connection: ADSL2, Cable or Fiber connection for fast plan uploading;
  • Other accessories: mouse and keyboard;

Mobile Devices

Groundplan can be used on the latest version of iPad (iOS 13), Microsoft Surface (Windows 10) or Samsung Galaxy Tablet (Android 9 “Pie”, Android 10 “Q”) devices, with the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari and a stable internet connection.

For the best experience, we recommend:

  • Device: iPad ( > 6th Gen) or iPad Pro with the lastest updates;
  • Google Chrome app;
  • Accessories: apple pencil;

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