Upgrade or Downgrade Licences
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Upgrade or Downgrade Licences

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Article summary

Licences relate to the number of Users able to login to Groundplan simultaneously and can be billed Monthly or Yearly. Only Users holding Owner, Admin and User Roles can view and action steps in this article.


Upgrade your Licences

Upgrading a Licence will increase the Licences and subscription costs for the Account. To use more than one Licence, there needs to be a separate User login for each Licence.

If you are on a Yearly Subscription Plan, the Licence added will also be a Yearly Licence (charged Pro-rata).

  1. Click [+]
  2. Click + Add 1 Licence


  1. Click Add 1 Licence


Downgrade your Licences

Downgrading a Licence will reduce the Licences and subscription costs for the Account.

  1. Click [-]
  2. Click - Remove 1 Licence


For Licence or Account queries, please head to Help > Send us a Message

Frequently Asked Questions

I have upgraded to two Licences. Why can't we log in at the same time?

You must have two User Logins to use the two Licences simultaneously. Groundplan does not allow people to share one email address and login using two Licences.

In this scenario, you will need to:

1. Click + User and create a separate new User login.


See the below example which will allow 2 people to use 2 Licences:


You can then Bulk Share any projects the User needs access to:

Bulk Sharing

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