Configure the Simpro Integration
  • 19 Jan 2024
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Configure the Simpro Integration

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Article summary

Only Users registered as Administrators can configure the Groundplan / Simpro Integration.

Preparing to Connect Simpro and Groundplan

  1. Sign in to Simpro
  2. Sign in to Groundplan

Configuring with an API Key is recommended, as Groundplan will automatically refresh the Simpro connection every seven days.

  • API and Company Management security group permissions are needed to complete this step.

If permissions are not held, or you want to Configure without the API key, complete steps 1-4, then click Connect.

  1. Click My Account then click Setup
  2. Click Integrations
  3. Click Configure on the Simpro tile


  1. Enter your Simpro URL
  2. Check the (Recommended) Add an API Key
  3. Click Automatically Pre-fill (a new tab will open)
    If you are prompted to log into Simpro, please repeat the above steps after logging in


  1. Within the Simpro Tab, click Create


  1. Click Download Key


  1. Return to Groundplan, click Choose file and select the file named oauth.txt (from the downloads folder)


The integration is now connected.

simPRO link V01

Multi-company setup

If Simpro is configured with multiple companies, a maximum of six companies can be synced to Groundplan.

If a Company other than the Default is required for a Project or Take-Off Template, it can be select on a per-Project or per-Template basis.

  1. Click select a Company and select
    Choose up to six if required
  2. Select the checkbox next to the Default Company
  3. Click Save & Sync


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link Groundplan to more than one Simpro build?


You can only have your Groundplan Account linked to one Simpro URL. If you have more than one Simpro URL requiring Quotes to be sent to, you will separate Groundplan Accounts for each URL you wish to use.

However, Groundplan can connect to multiple companies with a single Simpro URL if you have a multi-company Simpro build.

Can I switch between Simpro URLs on my Groundplan?


All data pulled through from Simpro Groundplan is based on IDs. By disconnecting one Simpro URL and reconnecting to a different one, you will have data problems, including Measurements not sending across to Simpro correctly.

Can I have more than one Groundplan Account linked to the same Simpro URL?


Each Groundplan Account can be connected via the Integrations Tab.

Why can't I see the “Integrations'' tab?

Only Users who are Administrators can see the Integration Section. Please have your Administrator connect Groundplan with Simpro.

Can I share Projects outside of my organsiation?


However, when sharing Projects with another organisation also using Simpro, only Prebuilds and Catalogue items from your connected Simpro account can be pushed correctly to your Simpro Quote.

Simpro items are linked to Groundplan using background ID's.

Any catalogue items or prebuilds linked from a different Simpro URL will not create the correct/expected item in your Simpro Quote.

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